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Referente a 2023

Did you know that your company can deduct up to 82.5 per cent of its R&D expenses from its corporate income tax liability?


  • Investimento em I&D em 2023
  • Amount for the year
  • Increase on the average of previous years
  • Tax Credit Obtained

The resulting figure is merely predictive and does not take into account a number of specific features that will need to be validated at a later date.

The resources identified must be supported by R&D projects, as well as the reasonableness of the hours identified

Only considers the investment items (HR and operating costs) that are typically the most significant

For IRC taxpayers who are SMEs, who have not yet completed two financial years and who have not benefited from the incremental rate, a 15 per cent surcharge applies to the base rate (32.5+15=47.5 per cent).

Doctoral graduates have a surcharge; they are considered at 20%